Apedwa Sika kokoo Ltd


  • Founded Since 1850

Company Description

 Apedwa Sika kokoo Ltd, also known as Apedwa Mines, is a registered and licensed mining company operating in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Established in 2023, we are committed to responsible mining practices that benefit local communities and preserve the environment.

Our operations focus on four key areas: mining, community mining, mining brokerage, and mining support services. We believe in harnessing Ghana’s mineral wealth for the greater good, empowering communities, and delivering sustainable prosperity.

Located in the heart of Apedwa, we engage closely with the local population, providing job opportunities and actively contributing to community development. Our dedication to ethical mining practices, environmental responsibility, and industry expertise makes us a trusted partner in Ghana’s mining sector.

At Apedwa Sika Kokoo LTD, our commitment to ethical, sustainable, and community-centric mining sets us apart in the industry. We aim not only to extract valuable resources but also to leave a positive legacy of responsible mining, environmental protection, and community development. We invite you to explore our services and join us in our journey toward a more sustainable and prosperous mining future.